It was tough to convince the customer to fix his money with our bank reasons been that our interest rate was low compared to other banks according to him. We finished all we had to do business wise outside the branch at about 3.30pm,so my boss instructed the driver to drive down to southern fried chicken in wuse II so we could do lunch ,while eating he asked if i had taught about giving him a chance and i told him ,there was nothing to think about ,he just smiled and said 'Kofo Daniels you know i can afford to treat you badly in that office and nothing,absolutely nothing will happen ' at this point i got really irritated and for the very first time i had to address him by his real name and not oga, and said 'Mr DAVE OSITA ,you are not God,if you treat me badly i wil simply leave the bank for you since it's your personal property'......for the next five minutes we just sat there looking at each other with alot of hatred,he managed to to finish his drink and stood up,all he could say was meet me in the car when you are done.
Two days later ,Tobi called to let me know she was going to the UK for a week (hmm seven boring days...#isokay),immediately i dropped the call with Tobi ,another call came in and it was that of Mr Osita(what in God's holy name have i done to this monkey )and then the conversation went thus;
KOFO: Hello
KOFO:i'm very well sir
MR OSITA: Do you have plans for today?
KOFO: (didn't have plans but i had to lie just to avoid him)errmmmm yes sir i do,i will be hanging out with my friend Tobi.
MR OSITA : Which Tobi,your friend that is always acting as your police?hahahahahaha,KOFO!!!i just saw Tobi at the international wing of the airport where i went to drop my wife who is on her way to southafrica,we exchanged pleasantries and she informed me she will be travelling to the UK in some hours time,so Kofo which Tobi are you talking about??????
MR OSITA; hello,hello? are you there?
KOFO: ermm yea i am
MR OSITA : You must hate me so much to have told a lie just to avoid hanging out with me.....
KOFO: I don't hate you,i just don't understand why the word'NO" doesn't exist in your world.
MR OSITA: LOL,because i am very optimistic,how do you think i got the level i am today in the bank?
KOFO: well, i will be going to watch a movie later in the evening
MR OSITA :Can i join you then?
KOFO: it's cool
MR OSITA: What time?
KOFO: 5.30PM
MR OSITA : Should i come pick you from your house or do you want us to meet there?
KOFO:...........let's meet there
He got there 5.30pm and called to know if i was anywhere in the building (silverbirds Abuja)and i told him i was just a few yards away ,i made it at about 5.40pm so we got popcorn and drinks after which we bought our tickets (whic he ofcourse paid for) he made sure we got the angle 90 seats (which made me understand he wanted alot of us space ...hmm)the movie started 6.15pm,very interesting movie i was amazed when i found myself laughing so hard with Mr Osita,at a point the a\ACs were over doing themselves and he saw me folding my hands,so he gave me his jacket,i had a great time though,the movie ended 8pm,so while we were on our way to go drop me off ,he suddenly became very emotional and started telling me about himself,
'Kofo i have been married for 6years now without a child , not even a miscarriage ......the heat from my family is getting so much and my wife is not helping issues,she nags alot and she is always at logger heads with my family members because they are putting alot of pressure on me to take another wife been the only son of Chief Jackson Osita.....it's really been hard for me'
KOFO: (HAVE NEVER REALLY SEEN HIM THIS EMOTIONAL) awww so sorry about that,but you both need to be prayerful and you in particular should stop chasing Kofo (lol),i have seen worse cases and yet at the end of the day,God still did it for the couple,they had kids,just wait for God's time.
MR OSITA: yea,i am still believing God(at this point we were in front of my house)O Ok we are at your place now
KOFO: yea....thanks i had a great time(and just as i was trying to open the door of the car) .....he said....no hugs???
awww sorry ,so i hugged him ,but for a while he refused to let go of the hug(even when the hug expired....LMAO yes hug de expire)when he finally did,he planted a kiss on my forehead (this made me remember my Yomi,he's the only one who does that)and i went away....