Monday, January 7, 2013

CORPER KOFO --episode 17

It’s a new year, work has being  great, sorry y’all have not heard a word from Kofo Daniels, just been trying to adjust to work, how was your holidays? Mine was ………….(still thinking of a word to describe it well maybe ‘awesome’ is cool for now, wow!!!Yomi was around all through).

Mr. Osita  (my BDM) has really being cool since we resumed and I pray he doesn’t continue because I might just fall for his gentility(oooh pls hold it, don’t crucify me yet, I’m human and I can feel something)
He isn’t pushing hard anymore, he’s just been very caring (let’s  not try to define the “CARING” lol)
At the moment we have auditors in the office, so the communication is basically very official, thanks to bbm!, I need all the help I can get right now, because I think I have got a crush on this man ,OK ,here he comes in a Grey suit and a pink tie( I really love his sense of colors,oh plssss*talk to the hand* he’s looking very *tush*)

Osita: Good morning all

Staff: Good morning sir

Osita:  Kofo where is the file I asked you to make available today?

Kofo: it’s on your desk sir

(Meanwhile, my omo igbo has been transferred to another branch, will miss her though. A new guy replaced her , his name is Goke; very cool guy)

Osita: Get ready Kofo , yourself and Goke are going with me to Destiny ltd to open accounts for some of their directors and equally get fixed deposits too.

KOFO/GOKE: Yes sir….

I immediately followed the stairs behind to collect some forms from the CS officer (it’s actually a lonely stairs),not knowing  that Mr. Osita was coming up the same stairs and woooooo!!! We bump into each other and before I could say a word, he immediately kissed me…..I am just standing here SPECCHLESS!!!

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