Monday, March 11, 2013

Corper kofo......episode 22

(Kofo has been below the weather for a long time, and as such has not been able to go work, the doctor has advised she stays one more week at home  just resting and during this period , Yomi came from Lagos to see Kofo, on one of the occasions Yomi was there ,Mr. Osita happened to visit#goodbosstinz)

Kofo: ( Just lying on the couch watching Tv alongside my Aunt whom i normally call 'big mummy' we heard a knock on the door, it was Yomi)

Yomi: ah Big mummy ....good day ma

Big mummy: my son, how are you today?

Yomi: I'm very well ma'am.

Big mummy: eka'bo my dear..

(Yomi now turning towards me......)

Kofo: hey..

Yomi: how ae you feeling my love(asking as he plants a kiss on my forehead)

Kofo: (smiling like she won a lottery) I'm fine baby

(now big mummy is forming she wants to avail Yomi and I some privacy goes to the other living room)

Yomi: baby whats the title of this movie?

Kofo: 'act like a man ,think like a lady'

Yomi: hmmmm......(eyes rolling) ok oh!
( another knock on the door< big mummy goes for it and guess who it was? Mr. Osita !!!)

Mr. Osita : Good day Ma'am

Big mummy: Good day ,whom are you looking for?(big mummy sha remembered her British accent on this was speaking like it was some embassy interview...lmsao)

Mr. Osita: yes ma, i had like to see Kofo Daniels(at the mention of this ,Yomi's face changed),she's my staff.

Big Mummy: awww, you are welcome ,please come in

Kofo : good day Sir

Mr. Osita:  Kofo(with a huge smile) hope you're feeling better now, we have missed you so much at the office.

Kofo : i hope to be back next week sir

Mr. Osita: (now trying to give Yomi some attention) hello sir, I'm Mr. Osita ,Kofo's Boss

Yomi: hi I'm Yomi, Kofo's hubby to be(yes he had to emphasize ,a times Yomi amazes me sha,he just wants to prove a point)

Mr. Osita: (recognizing a competitor he had a grin on his face for some seconds ) oooohhh....its a pleasure meeting you.

Yomi: ( i expected Yomi to have said 'same here" but he just replied....) yea yea

Mr.Osita: Kofo i got you a few things (dropping a bag beside the couch where i was, i forgot my manners actually and went straight checking the bag and saw my favourite chocolate, and i said....)

Kofo: woooow! thank you sir,i can see my favourite chocolate( big mummy noticing Yomi's countenance said she was going to sahad stores to get a few things,so she left ,and mr. Osita left almost at the same time.)
Yomi: (giving me some strange looks asked)Kofo is there anything i should know?

Kofo: yes

Yomi: what???

Kofo: he's my boss, secondly i didn't invite him, he came on his own.

Yomi: stop playing smart with me< how come he knows your favourite chocolate?

 Kofo: Yomi.....haven't you heard of the word 'coincidence' ???

Yomi: don't be silly...we are going to be married soon...and some man acts like he knows you too well and i ask ,and you are trying to play smart with me????

Kofo: (at this point i could count Yomi's veins#angrymantinz) Yomi really?married? (now looking at my finger) sorry sir i can't find a ring on it

Yomi : ooooh shut the f....kup. we have come a long way, you should know i have plans,is it by ring?
Kofo: (not talking)

Yomi: (took my phone , went straight to my messages)sure you must have deleted your advice is DON'T LET ME CATCH YOU, 'cause if i do ,Kofo you will eternally hate me.
(big mummy's call comes in......)

Big mummy: tell Yomi to wait for me i got something for you two

Kofo: OK ma.
(now turning to Yomi)
' big mummy said you should wait for her

Yomi: oh yes i will wait for her, nonsense!!!

/.........Corper Kofo continues